Published on July 13, 2023–Updated on June 6, 2024
on the September 7, 2023
followed by a buffet
Campus SophiaTech, Campus Trotabas, Campus Saint Jean d'Angely, Online
In person: Campus SophiaTech Lucioles - 1645 route des Lucioles 06410 Biot-Sophia Antipolis - Amphi A1
Remotely: Campus Trotabas amphi 201 / Campus St Jean d'Angely room 410
DS4H Kickoff 2023/24
Do not miss this first meeting to get the year off to a good start!
This year, the Digital Systems for Humans Graduate school will launch the academic year in two stages:
SEPTEMBER 7, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
An initial meeting to launch the academic year and take stock of all the information you need to know to ensure that your studies run smoothly.
SEPTEMBER 14, 12:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
A second meeting over lunchto find out all about the minors and projects on offer for the Fall semester. At the end of this meeting, you will be asked to enter your options wishes (minors and projects) for the fall semester on the DS4H WISHES platform. This is a compulsory prerequisite, which will enable you to finalize your timetable, obtain your grades and finally obtain your diploma. The DS4H WISHES platform will be closed on Monday 18/09 at 23:00.
These two events are distinct, complementary and essential to enable everyone to take the most from all the opportunities offered by the Graduate school.
For organizational reasons, registration for these meetings is compulsory before August 31 Lunches offered upon reservation only