Academy of Excellence "Networks, Information, and Digital Society"

The "Networks, Information, and Digital Society" Academy is one of the five Academies of Excellence at Université Côte d'Azur. High-level research laboratories are working together within the Academy to study new digital technologies, their applications, and their societal acceptability. The Academy is funded by the Initiative of Excellence (IdEx). It develops initiatives to support transdisciplinary research projects, the organisation of scientific events, and the mobility of researchers and students from the research entities and doctoral schools within its scope.


RISE Academy News


Scientific Ambitions of the Academy "Networks, Information, and Digital Society"

Three major ambitions are driving the NIDS Academy:

  • Designing and experimenting communication networks of the future, combining high performance networking (for example innovative wireless photonic devices) with security and energy efficiency aspects. To these new types of infrastructure must be added new programming paradigms for the development of distributed applications, for the purposes of enabling storage, accessing, indexing of big data, management of computation platforms, virtualized storage and smart content processing. These distributed virtualized applications will have considerable importance; they are what enables the processing of massive amounts of distributed data.
  • Developing Université Côte d'Azur's excellence in Digital sciences. This is fundamental know-how, not only required for understanding the structural properties of networks, for developing program and data exchange reliability and security, but also for modeling and simulating problems in the physical, biological and medical domains. A crucial topic within this ambition is the ability to extract, from large data bases – which are potentially non-structured and partial – structured information and knowledge open to semantic processing and interpreting.
  • Improving understanding of the transformation brought about by the digitalization of society, especially the impact of technological innovation and the role of physical artifacts in this transformation as well as the impact of its use on e-learning, on society, on citizens, through challenges relating to the Law, to private life, to ethics and even to philosophy.
Structure and Organisation
The Academy "Networks, Information, and Digital Society" brings together over 200 researchers and teachers from 17 research entities and 2 partner schools within its perimeter.
The Academy's community is based on those of the Labex UCN@Sophia and the Equipex FIT for the networks part, and also includes researchers in the fields of digital sciences and social sciences related to digital technology.
It includes a Board, a decision-making body (Steering Committee), and an advisory body (Scientific Council).


The Academy's Board prepares the strategic orientations of the Academy and the distribution of its budget before submitting them to the Steering Committee for validation, and provides support for projects related to its activities.

  • Walid Dabbous, Inria, Director
  • Laure Blanc-Feraud, i3S, Deputy Director
  • Flora Bellone, GREDEG
  • Samir M. Perlaza, Inria
  • Johan Montagnat, i3S

Steering Committee

The Academy relies on the same Steering Committee as DS4H Graduate school. It includes representatives of the main research entities within its scope. The sharing of this decision-making body with DS4H Graduate school ensures that their orientations are consistent.

Scientific and Pedagogical Council

The Academy has the same Scientific and Pedagogical Council (COSP) as DS4H Graduate school. The members of the Scientific Council represent the main scientific disciplines in the field of digital human systems. They provide the Academy with an independent assessment to ensure the quality and scientific integrity of its programmes and projects. They provide insight into future trends in its research areas with internationally renowned experts.
Partner Research Entities

The Academy of Excellence "Networks, Information and Digital Society" gathers top-level research entities in the fields of digital sciences and digital society.

Funded Projects

The Academy of Excellence "Networks, Information and Digital Society" and DS4H Graduate school fund cutting-edge research projects on the basis of annual calls.

Scientific Animation
  • Forum Numerica is the seminar series of the Academy of Excellence "Networks, Information and Digital society", dedicated to the digital sciences and their impact on the society and humans.
  • Visiting Researchers Program scheme allows academics, researchers and practitioners to spend a period of time conducting research within one of the Academy's labs.
  • Scientific Event Organisation Support offers support for organising scientific events related to the Academy's research themes.
Call for projects
The Academy of Excellence "Networks, Information and Digital Society" and DS4H Graduate school offer annual and permanent calls to fund research projects and initiatives. 

Examples of past funding:
For Researchers
  • Research project calls
  • Postdoc fundings
  • Visiting researchers' program
  • Support for scientific events organisation
For Doctoral Students
  • DocWalker program: doctoral international mobility scholarships
  • Funding for participation in thematic schools
Activity Reports

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