Incoming Students
International Applicants Welcome!
DS4H welcomes applicants from all over the world. As a student at Université Côte d'Azur, you will be provided with a very high-quality training environment and the excellence of higher education and research in France.
- Why joining a DS4H Graduate school training program?
- Minor optional courses to open to new domains to help boosting your career and employment (no prerequisites needed): Digital Business with SKEMA business school, Entrepreneurship, Digital IP & Law, Smart EdTechs...
- Individual tutorships to discover research by immersion in a laboratory
- Multidisciplinary group projects to sharpen your professional objectives and develop your soft skills
- Campuses located at the heart of Sophia Antipolis (the biggest science park in Europe) and Nice ( (a leading city in the smart city, e-health and Silver Economy sectors).
- Collaboration with local high-level research laboratories (Inria Research Center, CNRS i3S, CNRS LEAT, Mines ParisTech CMA, GREDEG) and local high-tech firms.
- International networking: researchers from dozens of different nationalities work together in our laboratories and almost 70% of the PhD students are foreigners. Moreover, Université Côte d'Azur is co-founder of the UlyssEUs European University Alliance and a strategic partner of the University Laval, Canada. Read more about Université Côte d'Azur worldwide...
- Active Student Life: academic and unifying events, after school peer learning meetings, parties…
- ... and the world-envied French Riviera quality of life!
- International Tracks
Within DS4H Graduate school, the master in Computer Science is available in a full-English format.
- Application procedures and Tuition Fees
- All applications are made online. Beware that procedure for applying varies depending on your nationality, your country of residence, and your educational plans. Find out more...
- Tuition fees at French public higher education establishments are set by ministerial decree for national diplomas. They can represent a significant proportion of a student's overall budget. They are set according to your profile. Find out more...
- Excellence Scholarships Program
Digital Systems for Humans Graduate school provides excellence scholarships to high-achieving and committed students from all over the world.
- Welcome to Université Côte d'Azur
Do you have questions about formalities to enter in France, health insurance or housing? Université Côte d'Azur fosters international mobility and implements measures to help students settle in successfully.
For a wealth information on student life in France, refer to the Studying in France - Etudes en France website
To make your welcome and settle in France easier, Campus France launched a collection of video tutorials. Available in French, English and Spanish, these videos provide you assistance step by step through the main administrative procedures.