Professional and Research Projects

Take the opportunity to run individual and group projects to sharpen your professional objectives!

  • Fall 2024 Semester (soon)
  • Spring 2024 Semester
How do DS4H Projects work?

Master Students

Each semester, you as students are offered different types of projects.
  • You are invited to select your wishes from a given list of projects. You can choose 1 project per semester. This selection is made during the application period at the beginning of each semester, following the Kickoff Meeting.
  • You are the one to decide one semester to another what project you wish to conduct. From one semester to another, feel free to coitnue the same project or decide to try something new.
  • DS4H projects are mostly held on Fridays but not necessarily. You are responsible to check the compatibility of the project you apply to with your own schedule.
  • In most cases, each project is credited 6 ECTS in your curriculum.
  • Assignments: Oral presentation, written report, supervisor's evaluation

PhD Candidates

PhDs are very welcome to submit tutorship and multidisciplinary projects (with the agreement of their PhD director).


What type of project will you choose?

Individual Research
Projects in Tutorship

Tutorships provide training to research by immersion in a laboratory


Join a team of students from different disciplines working on a shared topic

Take part to the development of a video game!
Innovation Multidisciplinary Projects - ICE

With Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurship ICE

Useful tools

Research projects guide

Download here !
Tutorships and Multidisciplinary Research Projects Guide (EN)

(last update 30/08/2023)


  • How and when can you choose and enrol in a DS4H research project?
  • Administrative procedures
  • The main steps of your project
  • Assignments
  • Etc.

Video - Research projects in a nutshell