Minor Organize your activity in project mode

Coordinated by: Emmanuel Le Roy
updated Feb 27


Classroom + online synchronous sessions


Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles and online, depending on the sessions (see schedule below)




 12 students (max 15)



Learning outcomes

  • How to formalize an idea in a project and conduct an initial feasibility assessment
  • How to define the initial scope of your project with the budget and the time needed to make it a success
  • How to identify risks and how to manage them
  • How to control the quality throughout your project
  • How to manage people and monitor cost, time and scope along your project
  • Why communication is essential to the success of a project and how to do communicate effectively.
  • How to close your project properly while collecting information to make your next project even more successful 

​​Whether you want to send a Human being to Mars, to organize a memorable party with 200 people, or to finalize your Thesis and defend it in front of a large audience, you will only succeed if you are well prepared. 
​Project Management is the discipline that enable you to go from a dream to a concrete output and to prepare your plan to get there. 
​Students through the different workshops will learn all the basic skills of project management (defining the scope of the project, controlling budget and time, managing risks and communication along the project, learning from success and failure). 
​They will learn the most common tools and technique about project management and put them in practice by working on a common thread project​.

  • Emmanuel Le Roy, Project Management Coach, Consultant, PMP ©
Emmanuel Le Roy has been working as a Project Manager at Amadeus SAS since 1999. He is managing transversal projects involving teams located internationally.
Before that, he has been process coordinator for Airlines projects and he has been responsible for the management of commercial projects in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
He also trained people in Amadeus, Ecole des Mines, Edhec and Skema
Evaluation (updated Feb 27)
  • Presence and oral participation along the  program - 15% of the final grade
  • Delivery of the project charter/ Management Plan - Submission deadline: 4/04/2025, 17h00 - 55% of the final grade
  • MCQ on project management practices - Date of the exam: 10/04/20253, 9h00 9h30 - Campus SophiaTech Lucioles, room TD07 - 30% of the final grade

SCHEDULE Spring 2025 (updated Feb 27)

Mind the evaluation time and modalities in the "Evaluation" tab below.


Time slot

Course title



9h00-12h00 9h30-12h30

Introduction to project management

Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07

17h30-20h30 18h00-21h00

Project life cycle and golden triangle of project management



9h00-12h00 9h30-12h30

Managing schedule and making a realistic plan 

Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07

17h30-20h30 18h00-21h00

Managing risks and quality



9h00-12h00 9h30-12h30

How to manage a project with Scrum methodology

Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07

17h30-20h30 18h00-21h00

Managing the budget of your project



17h30-20h30 18h00-21h00

Managing communication



9h00-12h00 9h30-12h30

Conclusion on project management - Final exam

Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07