Minor Quantum Technologies

Coordinated by: Virginia D'Auria (Maître de conférence, Université Côte d'Azur, INPHYNI)
updated 17/10/2024




Campus Valrose


- Scientific bachelor, with some basic linear algebra
- English level: B1


20 students

About this minor



The objective of this minor is to give students with both physicists and non-physicists backgrounds the means to catch the principles of new quantum technologies as well as to understand their interest and potential applications in different disciplinary contexts. The course is designed to provided competences on applied quantum technologies to students coming from different disciplines: no previous knowledge of quantum physics will be requested. 

By the end of the course, you will be able to understand the principles and applications of main quantum technologies. Based on your personal background, understand why and how one (or more) quantum technologies can interest your discipline and how, vice-versa, your discipline stimulates or enable the development of quantum technologies. 

New quantum technologies are identified as extremely strategical for both governments and private actors, due to the promise of revolutionary impact in the fields of sensors, computing and communications. Fundings across the worlds multiply to push both research and practical applications on Quantum, leading to ambitious public and industrial projects.  
These initiatives need qualified manpower. Quantum research and its industry market are more and more in demand of interdisciplinary competences and ask for professional profiles that, without necessarily having specialist knowledge in quantum physics, are able to develop and use quantum technologies. 
During the first part of the course, the fundamentals of quantum technologies will be presented in an accessible way by alternating lectures and tutorials and by paying a strong attention to applications. The second part of the course will take place as a workshop: students will be asked to work in group on a specific topic that they will pick up, with the help of teachers, based on their interests and backgrounds; they will then present and discuss the results or their researches with the rest of the class. This endeavor meets criteria required by the progressive shift from fundamental science to operational systems that make it essential to talents from different background to meet and exchange together. Topic can include quantum technology concepts, methods or experimental resources, as well as quantum practical interest in different disciplines (ex. chemistry, computer science, biology, electronics, physics ...). 
The students’ participation to the workshop and oral presentation will determine the final note. No written examination is expected.  
This minor is eligible to the obtention of the UniCA Certification “Quantum Awareness” that will be launched in autumn 2024. 
A second course entitled “Quantum engineering” is also proposed to students during pair semester. The objective of this second minor is to present techniques, problems and solutions relative to the implementation of operational quantum devices. 

This course is made of 8 classes: 5 of lectures, 2 of case study discussions, 1 oral presentation from the students. See schedule below for details.

  • Olivier Alibart (Maître de Conférence, Université Côte d'Azur, INPHYNI)
  • Virginia D'Auria (Maître de Conférence, Université Côte d'Azur, INPHYNI)
  • Research project with oral presentation - 12/12/2024, 9h00 - Campus Valrose, building Petit Valrose, room PV11

SCHEDULE FALL 2024 (updated 17/10/2024)

Mind the evaluation modalities and deadlines in the "Evaluation" tab above.


Time slot

Course title



10/10/2024 9h00-12h00 Practical quantum technologies, general concepts and case studies Virginia D'Auria Campus Valrose, Petit Valrose, room PV11
17/10/2024  24/10/2024 9h00-12h00 Introduction to quantum technologies formalism Virginia D'Auria Campus Valrose, Petit Valrose, room PV11
24/10/2024 7/11/2024 9h00-12h00 Quantum communications and quantum cryptography Olivier Alibart Campus Valrose, Petit Valrose, room PV11
7/11/2024 14/11/2024 9h00-12h00 Practical quantum internet Olivier Alibart Campus Valrose, Petit Valrose, room PV11
14/11/2024 21/11/2024 9h00-12h00 Quantum computing and quantum simulators / Discussion on chosen articles Olivier Alibart Campus Valrose, Petit Valrose, room PV11
21/11/2024 28/11/2024 9h00-12h00 Workshop on chosen case studies / Bibliography research Virginia D'Auria, Olivier Alibart Campus Valrose, Petit Valrose, room PV11
28/11/2024 05/12/2024 9h00-12h00 Workshop on chosen case studies / Discussion on chosen articles / Bibliography research Virginia D'Auria, Olivier Alibart Campus Valrose, Petit Valrose, room PV11
12/12/2024 9h00-12h00 Workshop on chosen case studies / Evaluation: Students’ presentation Virginia D'Auria, Olivier Alibart Campus Valrose, Petit Valrose, room PV11