Minor Sensor and Network Devices

Coordinated by: Jean-Marc Ribero, Université Côte d'Azur, LEAT




Campus SophiaTech, Templiers


Basics in programming language


20 students

About this minor


Learning Outcomes

The objective of this module is to program a Cherokey robot in Arduino language to go from point A to point B, avoiding all obstacles in its path and being as fast as possible. It will have to cross the circuit first independently and then with a Bluetooth command.

The evolution of sensor technology and communication protocols has made it possible to realize connected objects whose application domains are in full expansion.
This teaching unit aims to provide theoretical and practical bases for the development of connected objects and more particularly the development of the Cherokey 4WD arduino mobile robot. It is a versatile mobile robot that is compatible with popular microcontrollers such as the arduino UNO, arduino MEGA 2560, Romeo, etc.

This course will be divided into three parts:

  • A first step will be devoted to understanding how the robot works, discovering the Arduino language and its functions.
  • A second part is dedicated to programming the Cherokey Robot and to find the function that will allow the robot to avoid obstacles.
  • The last step will be to use the bluetooth function and the camera to move the robot.
  • Oral presentation (50 % of the final grade) - 07/12/2023 (duration: 20 min) - SophiaTech Campus, Templiers, room F201
  • Final written report (50 % of the final grade) - Submission deadline: 14 dec 2023

SCHEDULE FALL 2023 (updated July, 12)

Mind the evaluation modalities and deadlines in the "Evaluation" tab above.


Time slot

Course title


12/10/2023 9h00-12h00 Introduction/ Arduino Environment Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room F201
19/10/2023 9h00-12h00 Concept of robot and first tests Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room F201
26/10/2023 9h00-12h00 Mini-project - Tutorial Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room F201
09/11/2023 9h00-12h00 Mini-project Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room F201
16/11/2023 9h00-12h00 Mini-project Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room F201
23/11/2023 9h00-12h00 Mini-project - Using Bluetooth Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room F201
30/11/2023 9h00-12h00 Mini-project - Using of camera Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room F201
7/12/2023 9h00-12h00 Evaluation : oral presentation Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room F201