Minor Sociology of creative industries

Coordinated by: Manuel Boutet, Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, GREDEG




Campus SophiaTech, Templiers and online, depending on the session (see schedule)




30 students

About this minor


Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding the place of technics in society
  • Learning the history of modern industry
  • Identify the major tensions and contradictions within the creative industries to better understand debates and polemics
  • Thinking differently the relation between creativity and organizations
  • Acquire some keys to understand the relationship between creativity and careers today
  • Conceptual and methodological tools to go further in investigating

During our time together, the sociological approach will be introduced and its merits for understanding the issues of the cultural and creative industries. Most of all, after this course, you will have the conceptual and methodological tools to make your own research in the domain you are the most interested in.

We begin by examining the place of techniques in societies, then we go back to the industrialization and urbanization of the 19th century, then we examine the development of communication techniques and media in the 20th century, and the rise of the publics, which bring us to the invention designated by Theodore Adorno as "Cultural Industry".
And as Michel De Certeau remarks, it is not only culture but the whole everyday life that is industrialized. From then on, the rise of communities and of innovations by use will first contradict all of Adorno's predictions, but then the industries will regain (partial) control by the development of advanced forms of "community management".
Finally, we will be able to understand the new place that creativity is taking in today's industries, as a criterion for recruitment and a goal of team management.
From there we will describe the consequences of these evolutions on the careers of the new "creative professions".

  • Manuel Boutet, Researcher in Sociology (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, GREDEG)
  • Reflective essay about creativity (2 pages) - Submission deadline (on Moodle): 14/12/2023 (50% of the final grade)
  • Problematized summary note based on readings (5 pages) - Submission deadline: 14/12/2023 (50% of the final grade)

SCHEDULE FALL 2023 (updated July, 12)

Mind the evaluation modalities and deadlines in the "Evaluation" tab above.


Time slot

Course title


12/10/2023 9h00-12h00 Technics as culture Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room A234
19/10/2023 9h00-12h00 Industrialization & the City Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room A234
26/10/2023 9h00-12h00 From communication to media (and back) Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room A234
09/11/2023 9h00-12h00 Cultural Industry and Mass Culture Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room A234
16/11/2023 9h00-12h00 The rise of communities, a little history of a post-modern cultural phenomenon  Online (see Moodle for the Zoom link)
23/11/2023 9h00-12h00 The fall of communities ? Platformisation and Community (micro-)management  Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room A234
30/11/2023 9h00-12h00 Creative professions vs. Creativity as team management   Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room A234
07/12/2023 9h00-12h00 What about Chatgpt? Campus SophiaTech Templiers, room A234