Minor Technological Challenges in the IoT Domain

Coordinated by: Yves Roudier (Université Côte d'Azur, CNRS, i3S)


Classroom + online synchronous sessions 


Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles and online, depending on the session (see schedule)




20 students

About this minor


Learning Outcomes

  • Understanding the technical issues underlying the lifecycle of Internet of Things systems
  • Basic knowledge and hands-on experience about technical solutions for the design, development, and operations of Internet of Things systems  

This course mixes different topics of Electronics and Computer Science related to the development of the Internet-of-Things with both technical and societal viewpoints:

  • Distributed infrastructures for connected objects
  • Introduction to data valorization
  • Security and privacy for IoT
  • Environmental issues in IoT 

The course first introduces security and privacy issues raised by IoT systems as well as approaches to address those issues and their exploitation. The course then discusses the high-level frameworks used to design connected objects and their infrastructures. The course finally covers basic high-level solutions to exploit all the data produced by large infrastructures of connected objects. Environmental issues (power consumption, DAS, etc.) are discussed along the course in addition to these topics. Students will be evaluated both on a quizz about lectures and labs and on a project running throughout the course. The project might require developing a small prototype for demonstration and/or the writing of a report involving a significant effort of documentation and synthesis. 

  • Foundational Elements of an IoT Solution, by Joe Biron, Jonathan Follett, Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media Inc., ISBN: 9781491950982 
  • Project report and demonstration (80% of the final grade) - Submission deadline: 13/12/2024 (23h59)
  • Quizz (20% of the final grade) - 12/12/2024, 10h00 - Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07


Mind the evaluation modalities and deadlines in the "Evaluation" tab above.


Time slot

Course title



10/10/2024 9h00-12h00 Security and privacy for IoT Yves Roudier Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07
17/10/2024 9h00-12h00 Security and privacy for IoT Yves Roudier Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07
24/10/2024 8h00-12h00 Distributed infrastructure for connected objects Jean-Yves Tigli Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07
14/11/2024 9h00-12h00 Project Jean-Yves Tigli and Yves Roudier Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07
21/11/2024 9h00-12h00 Distributed infrastructure for connected objects Jean-Yves Tigli Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07
28/11/2024 9h00-12h00 Introduction to data valorization Guilhem Molines Online synchronous session
05/12/2024 9h00-12h00 Introduction to data valorization Guilhem Molines Online synchronous session
12/12/2024 10h00-12h00 Quizz + Project Defense Jean-Yves Tigli and Yves Roudier Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07