Multidisciplinary Creativity Projects - HIC
Take part to the development of a video game prototype!
DS4H Graduate school's students (in computer science, electronics, economy, law, etc.) can join multidisciplinary teams alongside students from the HIC (Humanities and Creative Industries) master's degree program, Management, Jeu vidéo, Image, Créativité (MAJIC).
The goal is twofold: to give the group the benefit of their knowledge/skills in their discipline and to acquire new ones, especially in creativity and management.
- Working in a multidisciplinary team is a very positive experience that offers everyone the opportunity to apply the skills they have acquired in their own discipline, while learning from the knowledge and experience of others.
- HIC projects offer initiation to creativity. They lead students to develop several transferable skills such as communication, cooperative and teamwork skills e.g. planning, management, leadership and peer support.
- They are operated by the master's Humanities and Creative Industries (HIC) which trains professionals for jobs in the digital creative industries.
- The projects are monitored by the HIC supervision team including video game professionals and academical experts in this domain.
- Video game prototypes will be presented at the Festival International des Jeux in Cannes.