Individual Tutorships
Tutorships provide training to research by immersion in a laboratory
A tutorship is equivalent to an internship in a laboratory. You work closely with your tutor, who is himself an experienced researcher. You deepen your knowledge of your chosen research topic, and even contribute to the development of new knowledge! It's the ideal stepping stone to a PhD.
- Tutorships Success Stories
- How do DS4H tutorships work?
- Tutorships are accessible to M1 and M2 students.
- PhD students are really much encouraged to supervise master students during their tutorship.
- Each semester, you are invited as students to make your choices from a given list of projects. You can choose, in order of preference, up to 3 projects. As best as possible you are then assigned to your first choice of project according to the success of your candidature and the capacity of the project.
- You are the one to decide one semester to another what project you wish to conduct, and you’re free to try, to fail and to decide to try something new.
- DS4H tutorships are mostly held on Fridays but not necessarily. You are responsible to check the compatibility of the project you apply to with your own schedule.
- Each tutorship credited 6 ECTS in your curriculum.
- If you’re willing to and your tutor is encouraging you, you can candidate another semester to the same tutorship.
- Each tutorship corresponds to a minimum of 91 hours in presential per semester (One day/week + one week of immersion).
- Assignments: Oral presentation + Written report. The tutor will give also a grade according to different criteria such as involvement in your tutorship project work.
FALL 2024
- Immersion Week: Dec 16-20
- Written report due on Jan 10 (23h00)
- Oral defense: Jan 15-17
- Immersion Week: Apr 28-May 6
- Written report due on May 12 (23h00)
- Oral defense: May 19-21
Download Research Projects Guide (FR)
(updated 24/09/2024)