Thematic school / Tools 2 Communicate

Coordinated by: Anne-Laure Simonelli (PhD, DS4H Pedagogical Leader)


Hybrid (classroom and synchronous tutoring sessions)


Campus SophiaTech, Lucioles or online depending on the session (see schedule)


To have a LinkedIn profile created and a written CV.


15 students


About this thematic school (Dec 18 > Dec 21)

/!\ Schedule update 6/09/23: Dec 18 - Dec, 21
This course is also delivered in a "Minor" format (see here)


This video is related to the minor "Tools to Communicate" which content is the same as the thematic school.



You will learn:

  • how to communicate specifically to enter the work force (through CV, cover letter, LinkedIn, job interview, job search strategy)
  • how to communicate effectively to a wider audience (through short video production, oral communication).

This minor consists in a series of workshops built to allow students to practice, try, fail, and try again, to get tips from professionals from industry and academic worlds. Students through the different workshops will become aware of the importance of becoming an effective communicator, to identify the audience, the main purpose of the communication and adapt the communication adequately.

Part I - How to communicate to enter the work force

  • A series of 6 workshops: Job’ Action’s workshops (Frédéric Arnault & Anne-Laure Simonelli)
  • A specific session on the job market will be held by disciplines: Computer Sciences, Law, Digital Strategy and Electronics.

Part II - How to communicate effectively to a wider audience

  • Short video production: The objective of this part of the course is to transmit the bases of the audiovisual communication to students in order to enable them to communicate through this media in their future projects. Students learn scriptwriting, shooting and editing. Students will learn basic rolls of the cinematic language, as well as tools and practical hints for the creation of short videos (students will use their phone for shooting and editing).
  • Oral communication: The objective of this part of the course is to give students different tips on how to speak in public, how to train, to practice to finally become an effective communicator.
  • Frédéric Arnault (Chargé d'enseignement at Université Côte d'Azur)
  • Vincent de Bonnafos (Law, Corporate Social Responsibility)
  • Nicolas Fogliarini (Producer, director RR3 FILMS) 
  • Matthias Raucoules-Aimé (Engineer, speciality micro-electronics)
  • Anne-Laure Simonelli (PhD, DS4H Pedagogical Leader)
  • Emmanuelle Tristant (Consultant in skills management in the IT sector)

  • Engagement throughout the session (10 % of the final grade)
  • Quality of revised CV (30 % of the final grade) - Submission deadline: 21/12/2023 (23h00)
  • LinkedIn Profile (30 % of the final grade) - Submission deadline: 22/12/2023 (23h00)
  • Short video creation (30 % of the final grade) - Submission deadline: 23/12/2023 (23h00)

SCHEDULE (updated Dec 11)

Mind the evaluation time and modalities in the "Evaluation" tab below.


Time slot

Course title



18/12/2023 9h30-12h00 How to write / to improve my CV Frédéric Arnault
SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07
13h30-16h30 Video Creation Nicolas Fogliarini SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07


9h30-12h00 9h30-13h00

How to set up and edit my LinkedIn profile
+ Personal branding: professional photo shoot offered at the end of the session

Frédéric Arnault
Photo: Aurélie Macarri

SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07 (photo: TD08)

14h00-17h30 Oral Communication Anne-Laure Simonelli

SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07



How to write a cover letter/email

Frédéric Arnault

SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07


Video Creation

Nicolas Fogliarini

SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07


9h30-13h00 Internships/Apprenticeship/job search strategies (spontaneous application, jobboards, cooptation/networking, being hunt)
How to prepare a job interview
Frédéric Arnault SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07
14h00-16h30 The IT job market Emmanuelle Tristant SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD07
The Electronic job market Matthias Raucoules-Aimé SophiaTech, Lucioles, room TD10
The Law job market cancelled Vincent de Bonnafos online
The Digital Strategy job market To be confirmed SophiaTech, Lucioles, room to be confirmed