Master 2 MIAGE IA2 and PhD students invited to SophIA Summit 2022
Published on November 29, 2022–Updated on September 26, 2023
on the November 29, 2022
These Master and PhD students were DS4H guests to the SophIA Summit 2022Université Côte d'Azur
This year again, the School invited some students to the event which brings together the world's leading experts in artificial intelligence research
By offering them their entrance pass, the School encourages the students from Master 2 MIAGE in Applied Artificial Intelligence and a few PhD candidates to meet recognised experts and broaden their knowledge of artificial intelligence thanks to the numerous conferences, round tables and poster exhibitions offered over 3 days.
SophIA Summit is organized by Université Côte d’Azur, 3IA Côte d'Azur, Communauté d’Agglomération de Sophia Antipolis and Sophia Club Entreprises with the support of the Département des Alpes Maritimes.
SophIA Summit inspired me a lot on my future study, to think more about how all technologies can be used within different fields, what difficulties the companies are facing. The summit effectively facilitates the interaction between companies and the research field.
Wenxin Xiong, preparing a thesis at GREDEG on " How Neural and Physiological Activities Associated to Emotions Can Help to Forecast Purchasing Decision in Luxury Industry"
All the presentations were very interesting and in particular the "Smart Territory, security and safety" part on Thursday morning
Enrico Fiasché, preparing a thesis on "Modeling and control of a heterogeneous and autonomous multi-robot system: Application to the detection and monitoring of forest diseases"
Thank you for the opportunity to join the event, overall the conference was a very nice and interesting experience! I particularly enjoyed the talks from Ioannis Brilakis and Philippe Després, as they had some great remarks and important thoughts about AI now and in the future.
Stefan Larsen, preparing a theis at Inria on "Detection of changes and update of environment representation using sensor data acquired by multiple collaborative robots"
Many thanks for the opportunity to attend the 5th SophIA Summit! I found it especially interesting to see the connections which are maintained by Sophia's AI community to around the world. An inspiring was held by Mr. Daniel Rückert, as the medical application is different from my robotics specialization, but still providing valuable insights.
Jonas Konrad, PhD student at I3S, IIT PAVIS
I particularly appreciated the presentation of Matej Hladis and the round table led by Muriel Valin.
Nina Singlan, preparing a thesis cofunded by DS4H Graduate school and 3IA Côte d'Azur on "Neuromorphic Visual Odometry for Intelligent Vehicles with a Bio-inspired Vision Sensor"
The SophIA Summit event is a great opportunity both to discover common and state-of-the-art methods in fields that one is unfamiliar with, as well as to meet other professionals to discuss a common research field, which could lead to useful insights.
Celia D'Cruz, preparing a thesis at I3S on "Decision support tool for multidisciplinary consultation meetings using deep learning - Application to colorectal cancer"