Quantum@UCA - Academy RISE meeting

  • Research
Published on July 5, 2021 Updated on March 2, 2022

on the July 12, 2021

9 am - 1 pm
Quantum@UCA Academy ISE 2021 EUR DS4H/UCA

The Academy of Excellence "Networks, Information and Digital Society" (RISE) of the Idex UCAJEDI is pleased to invite you to a meeting around the Quantum@UCA Idex project which will be organized on July 12, 2021 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in hybrid mode, in the Forum building of the Sophia Tech Campus and by videoconference

The objective of this meeting involving UCA researchers is to establish an exchange between researchers already working on quantum networks domains in the disciplines of physics and photonics and researchers from other disciplines who might be interested in collaborating on this theme. 
The meeting is organized by the Academy RISE but the perimeter of interest concerning this theme extends to researchers involved in other academies and EURs.

9h - 10h: Quantum@UCA
Introduction to the field and development of a quantum network at UCA
Tanzilli Sébastien, CNRS, UCA 

10h - 10h30: Single photon emitter in a GaN photonic platform
Single photon sources for quantum communication
Zuniga-Perez Jesus, CRHEA (UCA-CNRS) 

10h30 - 11h00: Quantum Random Walks for Distributed Computations
An example of a quantum method application to solve an optimization problem
Avrachenkov Konstantin, Inria SAM 

11h00 - 11h15: Pause

11h15-11h45: Presentation of the activities of the LEAT (Laboratory of Electronics, Antennas and Telecommunications)
Related to quantum communications Télécommunications
Staraj Robert, LEAT-UCA 
11h45 - 12h30: Round table - Towards a "quantum networks" site vision

Lunch boxes will be offered to participants.

You can register in less than two minutes through this link https://forms.office.com/r/yzp7e3tEMS 

Organization Committee

  • Konstantin Avrachenkov (Inria)
  • David Coudert (Inria)
  • Virginia D’Auria (InPhyNi)
  • Patrice Genevet (CRHEA)
  • Benoît Miramond (LEAT)
  • Robert Staraj (LEAT)
  • Sébastien Tanzilli (InPhyNi)
  • Jesús Zúñiga-Pérez (CRHEA)