Forum Numerica - Smart and Learning Cities - Some urban issues


INSA Lyon, France




Smart Cities is a concept that is not always clearly defined and may capture several urban development strategies. They however all have in common a deep involvement of Information and Communication Technologies. There are of course technical and scienctific challenges that we will span in this talk, giving some insight on which could be the future of the technological aspects of smart cities. It also yields environmental, political and ethical issues that societies face during this digital revolution and need to be identified. As for an example, the optimization of the urban system is vertuous for economical and environmnental aspects but might lead to post-democraty and dictatorship if ethical issues are not embrassed. In particular, the inclusiveness of digital cities is an important issue that foster the need to couple smart city strategies with a learning city paradigm.

About the speaker

Hervé Rivano is University Professor at INSA Lyon. He is the head of the Inria/INSA Lyon common team Agora  of the CITI lab. The team focuses on wireless networks for digital cities. He is a member of the "Ecole Urbaine de Lyon" steering committee that focuses on interdisciplinary research and pedagogic ativities on anthropocene.
Prior to that, he has been hired as a CNRS researcher in october 2004 and as an Inria researcher since january 2011. From october 2004 to august 2009, he was a member of the Mascotte project-team at Inria Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée and I3S Lab. In september 2009, he moved to the CITI lab of INSA Lyon. He has then created the Inria/INSA Lyon CITI Urbanet team. Agora is the follow up of Urbanet. He is « Habilité à Diriger les Recherches » since june 2014.
He obtained his PhD in november 2003 from the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis and graduated from the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
His research interests include combinatorial optimization applied to network design and provisioning. He focuses on capacity/energy tradeoff for urban cellular and mesh networks design and low cost and dense wireless sensor networks for environmental sensing.