Modelling Epistemic Vigilance and Its Institutions in the Communication of Shared Information on the Internet

Internship offer 2025 - Master 2 Research

About the project

The MoVICI research project aims to better understand the social motivations underlying epistemic vigilance when evaluating information communicated on the Internet and during public debates.

In academic literature, it is generally assumed that individuals who incorporate false information into their prior knowledge do so because they are gullible. The main proposed solution to counter this phenomenon is critical thinking education, which involves training individuals to use controlled analytical reasoning to evaluate communicated information.

MoVICI seeks to test an alternative explanatory hypothesis: that individuals accept low-quality information not so much because they are gullible, but because they are not motivated to modify their pre-existing knowledge structures. Referring to social interdependence theory, we argue that the relational context (e.g.: competitive vs. cooperative) in which individuals engage in this evaluation activity serves as an explanatory variable for this motivation.
Principal investigators
Project's partners
  • Sahbi Benlamine, Maître de conférences en sciences de l’information, Ecole Supérieure de Technologie de Dubaï

  • Christophe Heintz, Chercheur en sciences cognitives, Université d’Europe centrale, SMC

  • Tiffany Morisseau, Chercheuse en psychologie cognitive, Université de Paris Cité, LAPEA

  • Serena Villata, Directrice de recherche en sciences de l’information, Université Côte d’Azur, I3S

  • February 2024 - December 2025
Total amount
  • 85 000 euros
  • DOSSO, C., VAYRE, J.-S. (en cours d’évaluation). « Epistemic injustice as an error in epistemic vigilance evaluation mechanisms: effects of stereotypes and cooperative vs competitive social interdependencies ».
  • DOSSO, C., VAYRE, J.-S., BENLAMINE, M.S., MORISSEAU, T. (working paper), « Controversial topic in search as learning: effects of cooperation-competition on search strategy and achievement goal ».