Forum Numerica - Fabio BUTTUSSI (University of Udine) - Excursus on serious games with case studies from the HCI Lab of the University of Udine
- Abstract
Serious games are video games in which entertainment is used to further serious purposes, such as learning, training, or promoting positive behavior. The talk offers an excursus through the different types of serious games, from non-digital ones to recent examples also using modern immersive VR devices. Such excursus is complemented by showing numerous examples of serious games designed, developed, and evaluated by the HCI Lab of the University of Udine for different target users and platforms.
- About the speaker
Fabio Buttussi received a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Udine. He is currently an assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Physics of the University of Udine, Italy, where he is a member of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory (HCI Lab). He is an associate editor of the Springer Nature Virtual Reality journal and of the IEEE Transactions of Human Machine Systems. His research interests include virtual reality, HCI, serious games, and their applications in health and safety. He is an author of several publications in international journals and conferences (Scopus citations: 1166, h-index: 15).