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Forum Numerica - Michaël Krajecki : L’Agence Ministérielle pour l’IA de Défense
Data Sciencing Big Old Archives: Computational Humanities Research One Interdisciplinary Collaboration at a Time - Marieke Van Erp (KNAW Humanities Cluster)
Synthetic DNA as the future of data archiving - Marc Antonini (i3S, CNRS, Université Côte d'Azur)
Excursus on serious games with case studies from the HCI Lab of the University of Udine - Fabio Buttussi (Univ Udine, Italy) - NO REPLAY AVAILABLE
Réseaux Neuronaux Convolutionnaires et reconnaissance d’images : évaluation des risques - Franck Leprévost (Univ. Luxembourg)
De la psychologie cognitive à l'optimisation des interfaces homme-machine Teresa Colombi (Ludotic)
Asynchronous Session-Based Concurrency: Deadlock-freedom in Cyclic Process Networks Jorge Pérez (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)
Les solutions numériques aident-elles réellement la transition écologique ? Gauthier Roussilhe (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) - NO REPLAY AVAILABLE
Systèmes complexes : sur certains problèmes de modélisation et d'algorithmes Thi Ha Duong Phan (Institute of Mathematics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology)
Monte Carlo Search Tristan CAZENAVE (LAMSADE, University Paris Dauphine-PSL, CNRS)
Beyond 5G Networks: Strategic Roadmap and R&D Prospects Sumit ROY (University of Washington, USA) - NO REPLAY AVAILABLE
Your consent is worth 75 euros a year - Measurement and lawfulness of cookie paywalls Cristiana Santos (Univ. of Utrecht)
Neuromorphic engineering and robots Chiara Bartolozzi (Italian Institute of Technology)
Human-centric Natural Language Processing for Social Good and Responsible Computing Smaranda Muresan (Columbia University)
Deceptive Design and the Growing Threat of “Dark Patterns” in Technology Practices Colin M. Gray (Purdue University)
Embracing Data Imperfections Via Domain Enriched Visual Task Learnings Vishal Monga (Penn State University)
Autonomous smart connected objects for IoT in remote area through LEO satellites F. Ferrero, B. Miramond, L. Rodriguez (Université Côte d'Azur)
On sessions, linear logic and unbounded interactions Luca Padovani
From Sensor Networks to the Internet of Everything in the Age of Edge Intelligence Katia Obraczka
On computer science conferences and their temporal evolution Pierluigi Crescenzi
Interactive XR environments as a tool in managing the real world challenges Magdalena Igras-Cybulska
A new framework for learning-based iterative minimization with applications to image processing Elena Morotti
Secure Communications in Quantum Networks Dr Eleni Diamanti
Self-Similar Fractal Measures in Multi-Sector Endogenous Growth Models Pr. Davide La Torre
The role of a priori in various disciplines: proposal for a dialogue between law and computer science Pr J.-S. Bergé
AI4SEC - Enhancing Cybersecurity through AI/ML Dr Pedro Casas
Firm-to-form trade networks Isabelle Mejean
La souveraineté technologique européenne, émergence d'un concept et présentation des enjeux Jean-Pierre Darnis
The Cognitive Packet Network for QoS, Energy and Security Erol Gelenbe
The Bouncer and the Boundary: Modern Decision-Making Algorithms and Their Explanations Erwan Le Merrer
Apprentissage profond et génération de musique Jean-Pierre Briot
Efficient Learning with Random Projections Pr Lorenzo Rosasco
Etudes fondamentales sur l'interprétation, la compression et la robustesse d'architectures de réseaux de neurones convolutifs Dr Vincent Gripon
Archiving, assessing and attributing research software: towards software as a first class citizen in the scholarly world Pr R. Di Cosmo
Augmenting Intelligence: Machines as Super Assistants for Security Experts Matteo Dell'Amico
Optical Network Automation Pr Luis Velasco
Sociologie des intelligences artificielles marchandes à l'ère des mégadonnées Dr Jean-Sébastien Vayre
Inkjet-/3D-/4D-Printed "Zero-Power" Wireless Ultrabroadband Modules for IoT, SmartAg and Smart Cities Applications Pr Manos M. Tentzeris
Self-driving networks: Breaking new ground in network automation Laurent Vanbever
Challenges and opportunities stemming from the adoption of radio resource slicing and edge computing paradigms Vincenzo Mancuso
The Forest Behind the Trees: Rethinking Multi-Agent Systems for the World Wide Web Dr Andrei Ciortea
Analysis of non-compliant Privacy Policies and Cookie Banners Cristiana Santos
Human-Robot Interaction Pr David Kirsh
Smart and Learning Cities - Some urban issues Hervé Rivano
A Tensor Perspective to Large-Scale MIMO Array Processing A. de Almeida
AI and decision making in organizations Pr Dominique Boullier
Assessing Candidate Preference through Web Browsing History Pr Mark Crovella
Enforcing Session Integrity in the Wild Wild Web Dr. Stefano Calzavara
Social Percolation Paolo Zeppini
Towards Reproducible Wireless Networking Experiments Pr Walid Dabbous
Towards the Internets of the Future Pr Katia Obraczka
You are when you tweet William Rand
Logic, modalities and computation Elaine Pimentel
Enabling Collaborative Modeling in Model-driven engineering Eugene Syriani
Analysis of large scale biomedical data: Genomics and Imaging- Genetics in brain disorders Marco Lorenzi, Boris Gutman, Barbara Bardoni, André Altman
Leveraging the acquisition of crowdsourced measurements from mobile devices Romain Rouvoy
Applying Network Tools to understand Foreign Aid Performance Raja Kali