International Applicants Welcome!

DS4H welcomes applicants from all over the world. As a student at Université Côte d'Azur, you will be provided with a very high-quality training environment and the excellence of higher education and research in France.

Why joining a DS4H Graduate school training program?
International Tracks

Within DS4H Graduate school, the master in Computer Science is available in a full-English format.

Tuition Fees

The cost of DS4H curricula is based on regular French university fees that allow all students to follow their studies with a low cost financial commitment. Thanks to a decision of Université Côte d'Azur Board, this amount is the same whether your are a French student, an European student or a non-European student.

Master fees

Tuition fees are approximately 490 Euros for a full master's curriculum. Thanks to a decision of Université Côte d'Azur Board, this amount is the same whether your are a French student, an European student or a non-European student.

PhD fees

Tuition fees are approximately 380 Euros per year.

For all students : Student and Campus Life Contribution

Please notice that, with very few exceptions, the Student and Campus Life Contribution ("Contribution Vie Etudiante et de Campus" - CVEC)  applies to all French and foreign students enrolling for a degree program in a public or private institution of higher education in France. Read more about CVEC in French / in English.

Excellence Scholarships Program

Digital Systems for Humans Graduate school provides excellence scholarships to high-achieving and committed students from all over the world.

Welcome to France

Do you have questions about formalities to enter in France, health insurance or housing? Université Côte d'Azur fosters international mobility and implements measures to help students settle in successfully.

For a wealth information on student life in France, refer to the Studying in France - Etudes en France website


[video] Campus France tutos - How to? Comment faire ?

To make your welcome and settle in France easier, Campus France launched a collection of video tutorials. Available in French, English and Spanish, these videos provide you assistance step by step through the main administrative procedures.