8:45 AM
Welcome coffee
9:00 AM |
Walid DABBOUS, Director of the "Networks, Information and Digital Society" Academy |
9:20 AM |
Project MASAI
High-capacity Traffic Monitoring with DAS and AI, Cédric RICHARD, Lagrange laboratory |
9:40 AM |
Project NESS
Neuromorphic Semantic Segmentation, Jean MARTINET, i3S laboratory |
10:00 AM |
Project AlgeThera
Algèbre des molécules thérapeutiques, Gilles BERNOT, i3S laboratory |
10:20 AM |
Project NOW
New Operations on Words, Enrico FORMENTI, i3S laboratory |
10:40 AM
Coffee break
11:00 AM |
Project Brainmix
Brain-inspired unsupervised multimodal learning method for fast motion measurement by self-mixing interferometry, Robin MATHA, LEAT |
11:20 AM |
Exploring the functional Structure of THe rETIna with Closed loop Stimulation. A physiological and computational approach, Bruno CESSAC, Inria |
11:40 PM |
Project MOVICI
Modélisation de la Vigilance épistémique et de ses Institutions dans la Communication des informations partagées sur Internet, Jean-Sébastien VAYRE, GREDEG |
12:00 PM |
Project WEMON
Network monitoring and troubleshooting from within the browser: a data-driven approach, Sanaa GHANDI, Inria |
12:20 PM
Lunch buffet
1:20 PM |
Project CIIAM
Contextual Information Inference for Argument Mining, Anaïs OLLAGNIER, i3S laboratory |
1:40 PM |
GLObal RIVALrieS and Firm Dynamics in the Technology-Trade Multiplex, Simone VANNUCCINI, GREDEG |
2:00 PM |
Project KG-Bot
Knowledge Graph chatbot – toward Large Language Model based Interaction with Metabolomics Knowledge Graphs, Louis-Félix NOTHIAS, ICN & Fabien GANDON, Inria |
2:20 PM |
Project PRFL
Privacy-preserving and Robust Federated Learning Chuan Xu, i3S laboratory/Inria |
2:40 PM |
Project SMA-Sync
Approche de modélisation hétérogène pour la synchronisation d’horloges circadiennes, Nadia ABCHICHE-MIMOUNI, i3S laboratory/CNRS |
3:00 PM |
Conclusion |